Nov. 1-14, 2020

Wow - two more weeks already gone!

With this post, pages featuring Somali Christians will periodically be added. Many have given the price of their lives for their faith, and I have known some of them personally. See the first one - “Xaaji” Moxammed Xuseen Axhmed.

Mon., Nov. 2: met with Tenkir Teni (the Abraham & Eleazar man) about the search for video editing software. I wondered what would be realistic - will this be lightly dabbled with or will a significant learning curve be overcome? Will there be a dedicated person to do all editing (that the package can be more robust)? And price? … And what about getting the software here, as there are often serious blockages to purchases from third world countries from US vendors?

My final spreadsheet listed 20 possibilities, grouped as Rejects, Not Distinguished, and Recommended. he quickly chose Adobe Premier Elements, which I was very happy about - it will give a solid, well known platform not just to work from, but to grow into the next level as skills and needs expand. We’ve since had a very difficult time getting it, even when using my US accounts (PayPal, etc.), but can hopefully work through that shortly. Apparently my interest and support is coming at a critical time, as the ministry is looking to make radical shifts from radio to social media, but as yet really hasn’t laid many plans about exactly how they are going to do that.

I also found out that the Somali radio ministry in particular had stopped this summer (I knew such was brewing, but thought it was much farther off in the future). It just isn’t cost effective given the growth of social media outlets. It’s sad to see that go, but one must be nimble to respond to changes, and in recognizing new possibilities.

Tues., Nov. 3: Met with Arabella Stewart for lunch - we went to Good Shepherd School (GSS)* together. Though covid has brought its trials, she has worked with an Ethiopian to develop a quite vigorous, indigenous start-up to help women achieve profitable livelihoods. Having lived here for 10(?) years, she is very well aware of the lay of the land and was the one who gave the clear green light for my coming (I had asked several people, specifically in light of covid and the political realities here).

Wed., Nov. 4: After a big communication fiasco, Hawa went with me to Ethio Telecom to finally get an Ethiopian phone (#967448269). I much prefer my US phone, but in addition to communication this one is much cheaper - I can let my good phone at the house when on the town, that there’s less to lose if a pickpocket in fact gets the better of me (I also usually leave cash I don’t need at home, and what I take is split between several pockets).

Fri., Nov 6: Big day -

9:00 Met with Hussein to plan a trip to a sensitive area (plans are being pursued, but are not public until after the fact).

10:30 Met with Tenkir (the Abraham & Eleazar man, and video editing software) and his IT man to get the video software purchased. We spent an hour trying to resolve the cross border purchasing issues and it looked like we finally got around the them, but in the week since nothing has come.

12:00 Met with the pastor and his wife that I had supper with (see Thurs., Oct. 15), and among other things he followed up on how I could be involved in their congregation. He had expressed the same several weeks ago and had given ample suggestions. I’ve been hesitant to jump into anything too quickly, so mentioned that if we do something short, small scale and low profile it will allow for maximum flexibility for all, as well as grass roots connections. My hiatus while in the US mid-Dec. into January will also be a significant break, after which any change of direction or tweaking could be done.

Following his lead I suggested 1) meeting several times with 2-3 men to do a particular Bible study or work through a particular issue, or 2) prepping the children with some Christmas songs (ECF - please forgive!!). He suggested that I pick up the Wednesday morning men’s group - the leader left for the US and isn’t returning, and it’s 15 -20 men who meet for breakfast and Bible study. (As of this writing I’ve not heard back, but both the interest and need seem genuine.)

Again, I’m on the slow path, to see what is indigenously and spiritually secure and on a firm foundation. Though moving slowly, I do welcome the open door to meet and reach out directly with Ethiopians or others, to give whatever aid I can in their walk with the Lord. This may be a real step forward - one just needs to walk through the open door and see what’s there, moving forward accordingly.

Sat., Nov. 7: White skinned American who knows precious little Amharic meets Ethiopian barber who knows NO English. Hmm … I went on the recommendation that other westerners go to this little hole-in-the-wall barber shop (but they all know Amharic). I thought he would at least know a few words, but no. End result? Nice haircut, but I look like I just got through the first week of military boot camp. Oh well, I’ll need one again by the time I get back to the US.


I’m moving ahead with my schoolwork. It has just been a much heavier load than anticipated that I’m really needing, with resolve, to more fully turn into the wind.

Have also been increasingly starting to ask several key, trusted people here about future options and what might be before me beyond just the next weeks or months (these are people with whom relationships go back decades, and who have suffered for their faith, even to the point of what should have been death). Some counsel has been clear and decided, other counsel has been indeterminate, but the conversations have at least started.

I’m not quite caught up yet, but this is enough for one post. God bless each of you on your way, with whatever that may entail!


* See the Glossary for various names, places, and terms used in the blog.

Flight into Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Oct. 1, 2020). What was a lush, rural countryside after the rainy season suddenly turned into a very real cityscape. Note how far we traveled over city until touchdown, and this is over the near side of the city only - it's a huge city!

It shall come to pass in the latter days
that the mountain of the house of the Lord
shall be established as the highest of the mountains, 
and shall be raised up above the hills; 
and peoples shall flow to it, 
and many nations shall come, and say: 

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, 
to the house of the God of Jacob; 
that he may teach us his ways 
and we may walk in his paths.” 
For out of Zion shall go forth the law, 
and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 

He shall judge between many peoples, 
and shall decide for strong nations afar off; 
and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, 
and their spears into pruning hooks; 
nation shall not lift up sword against nation, 
neither shall they learn war any more; 
but they shall sit every man under his vine
and under his fig tree, 
and none shall make them afraid; 
for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken. 

For all the peoples walk 
each in the name of its god, 
but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God 
for ever and ever. 

Micah 4:1–5

A hymn: Come, Come Ye Saints

Note: for verse 3 lyrics we would sing “We’ll find a place which God for us prepared, in His house, full of light…,” or other textual variants. Credit: